Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sugar in fruit.

Wow.. who knew there was so much sugar in fruit?!? So I have been following this blog of a woman who restarted yesterday. Here. And she talks about the fact that many people think to eat healthy they should eat a lot of fruit, but when you consume a lot of fruit, especially the sweeter fruits, you consume a lot of sugar. Fruit sugar table link.

For people overweight like me, it's better to cut out all the sweeter fruits and severely limit the others, replacing them with vegetables if possible.

After looking at the table, I am happy to see Strawberries as one of the lower sugar fruits. They are my favorite. Tomato is one too, but I am not consuming tomato for the 30 days, since like white potatoes, they are a Nightshade and I am recovering from an ankle injury.
Strawberry (5.8)
Peach (8.7)
Plum (7.5)
Starfruit (7.1)
Papaya (5.9)
Mamey Apple (6.5) I have no idea what this is.
Lime (0.4)
Lemon (2.5)
Guava (6.0)
Grapefruit (6.2)
Cantaloupe (8.7)
Blueberries (7.3)
Blackberries (8.1)
Avocado (0.9)

Though I will limit it to 1-2 fruits a day, at least for the initial 30 days. One of my biggest problems is sugar addiction, so cutting it out for a while will not be a bad thing.

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